Friday, October 21, 2011

Are you Living Large?

 I get a lot of questions about the name of my blog and my business: Larger Than Life.... And yes, really that is what so much of our time here on earth is about - living as large, living as fully as at all possible.

To live large can be to live in a way that allows us to connect to all aspects of our being. Our intellect, our spirituality, our emotions and our body.  All aspects of us work together in a conscious way to maximize precisely the kind of results we want. It is not about "having" or "doing"... it is about "being"!

     Many of us get "stuck" in one or several of  aspects of ourself, and have a hard time integrating all we are into the equation. This is often founded in a need to judge. We judge ourselves - and then start judging others.

     A fundamental change happens when we become more aware of our own need to judge. We discover that many times our need to judge are really because we are limiting ourselves. So as we become conscious, in just this one area of our lives, we discover that some of our judgment is a direct result of stuff we really wanted to have/do/say ourselves but we at some point stopped ourselves from having. We think along the lines of:

"No that is not for me."
"No, I can't say/do/feel like her or him."
"That is for others to do."
"I could NEVER do that"

     We live in a state of "wanting it" but at the same time prohibit ourselves from "getting it". And then we start projecting our own state of "lacking it" onto others and judge them for "having it!"

     As we discover our own need to judge others, we are often surprised to find how much of this need is founded in a limiting belief that we have to keep ourselves from being who we really are! We are not talking envy here! No, this is how we systematically play small and project our need for greatness onto others, because we believe we are not "all that!"

     So how can you live a little larger today?
     Enjoy the journey!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Shift Happens!

     Sometimes it happens! We are all set to embrace a certain direction in our life and then it happens: BLAM!!! A door shuts right in our face as we were ready to walk through it!
  .... Shift happens!

     So what to do? We can cry and wail. We can stare ourselves blind on the door that closed. We can look at it until we are blue in the face and completely drained of our life force. We can view ourselves as victims, who were "put upon" by a cruel fate. This is a pessimistic reaction.

     You might know that the difference between an optimist and a pessimist is not their assessment of the facts? It is that the optimist sees and creates an action plan where the pessimist sees him or herself without options for action.

     An optimist chooses to respond to the situation. "I cannot control what happens to me, but I can control how I choose to respond!"

     Next time a door slams in your face, after you deal with the immediate surprise or shock, you can choose to look around. You can choose not to just focus on what is no longer possible!

      It is true that every time access is closed in one direction, ten other options might be ready to open. But you have to not stare yourself blind on the one that is no more! Instead look around and see what light might be ready to stream in through the windows, if you just lift the curtains.

     By choosing to respond like this you discover that there are other doors, other opportunities for you to explore. And yes indeed, they might be leading to paths you never even dreamed of!

     Here's to an empowered, optimistic day!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Are you a Professional Energy Waster?

     So many of us do  it... We walk around unconsciously wasting our time and energy on things we don't even want to do. We live in the world of "have to". We plug away working ever harder, and it seems we get less and less done.

     When we live life in a state of not being aware, we spread ourselves thin. We work ourselves to the bone. We get exhausted. This is what happens when our energy is caught up in what Andrew Harvey calls our "Universal ADD." We are busy with a million things and thoughts all at once, yet feel we do none of it well. We are inundated with input all day long, and still at the end of the day have a sense that we didn't really complete any of it well, or that what we did was not really satisfying.

     Yet, when we are conscious and deliberate, we discover that we are in control and we focus and concentrate much better. We choose our actions. We focus our energy with clarity. We concentrate on each moment with clear presence of mind. This is where we enter the world of "want to". We enjoy the smile from our co-worker (we are actually able to observe it,) we taste the sweetness of each moment no matter what we are doing.

     So what is the difference? It is simply being aware that what you are doing is a choice. It is what you choose to do in this very moment! This means that you are being conscious; it is a deliberate commitment you are making!

     In reality this is what this everyday kind of consciousness feels like:

      If you have a cup of coffee, enjoy it! If you are at your desk working - set mini goals and timelines for yourself and pat yourself on the back when you accomplish each one. If you do stuff you "have to do" - do it with a focus of what the task will mean to you. What will be the outcome of this task for you? How will you feel when you have done it successfully?

     Have a deliberate, energetic and aware day!


Sunday, October 16, 2011

What is Life Coaching?

Often we have no clue what we really want!
We just sense that our wheels are spinning, and we also are aware that we are not really "getting anywhere." We seem to use a good deal of effort, yet we get pennies on the dollar with regards to return on our "energy investment."We might feel exhausted and a large part of our energy appears to be wasted. We do not get the results we want. We find ourselves easily frustrated, angered or saddened. We might feel out of control, depressed or anxious!
Life is not a spectator sport, yet we might feel that we are sitting in the bleachers watching other people play the game, while we are wasting all our time and energy simply cheering or jeering. "Life is hard," we say and shrug our shoulders!
                                  Yet, it doesn't have to be that way!

Coaching can help you to connect those spinning wheels to the track!
And what happens? Well, you start moving in the direction of your choosing! You are no longer merely watching the game being played, you are playing it! You discover that just like an athlete you can train your success muscles and experience them grow and become increasingly adept at handling every activity you choose to participate in! You realize that winning or losing is not what truly matters – all that matters is that you play! And that you learn to focus your energy to work for exactly what you want, rather than wasting it on what you really do not want. Now you also discover that you can be infinitely more efficient and loving towards other people in your life.
It is not just you that benefits! It is everybody around you!
Larger than Life Coaching takes people from merely "ok" to optimal! We help our clients to connect to their passion in new ways. Clients discover their innate power. Not power over others, but power to be who they truly are! This is where those spinning wheels get traction! And it gets exciting to see what happens! As a train or a stage coach moves from station to station, you build on success after success.
You discover that not only do you have all it takes for you to live the life you want, everything you have ever experienced has given you exactly the tools you need to achieve it!

Visit my Website to read more and feel free to e-mail me with any questions you have.